Recent comps:
March 4, 2017 XPC Arnold - Raw 132, (315/185/360, 3 PR's)
Nov 5, 2016 NPC Midwest Gladiator Chicago - Women's Physique
Sept 24, 2016 NPC Indianapolis Grand Prix - Women's Physique
May 7, 2016 RPS Mid-Atlantic Powerlifting - Raw 132, Pro total
Coach - Scott Paltos.
Read back at previous training logs to see what my off-season contained to prep for both PL and physique. #creatingamonster.
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The last 2 weeks have gone pretty smooth. I'm pretty sure that's why Scott had me take some heavier things this week.... take advantage while confidence is high.
Over the past 2 years, I've transitioned from being a geared squatter (for 15 years) to a raw squatter. It took a little time to figure out what would be best for me as far as stance, bar position, etc. I messed around with Oly shoes for awhile, a higher bar position and difference stances. After two raw meets over the past year, I found a position that I feel most comfortable in - moderate stance, lower bar position and back to flat shoes.
Now the technical issues were some simple things like staying tight, not rebounding or getting loose at the bottom, and taking a breath after each rep.
As far as training goes, I've been doing one heavy day and one lighter/speed day. At first Scott kept some volume on my squat days and the past few weeks moved to a little less volume working up, but added some volume on the back end with down sets. We knew I needed to get back to time under tension with squats - being able to stay tight and be under the load for a period of time without technical breakdowns, ESPECIALLY at the heavier weights.
I was getting good at sub max weights, but anything over 85% and, well, I think it was more mental. I never worked raw rep work much. So as weights got heavier, I wasn't sure I'd be able to hit more than 1-2, solely because it felt heavy and moved slow-ish. As a geared squatter I was used to fast, like really fast. So being under a rep/load for a longer period of time was new for me. Scott worked that transition well, which has been allowing me to hit higher percentages for 3-5 reps.
Soooo.... on with this week's training!
(This was a great bench day! I have hit 185 dozens and dozens of times, but usually during prep and it's usually hit or miss. I wasn't sure how it would go with no spot, but I knew I could hit it, just wasn't sure how clean. First rep was eh... second rep was spot on!)
A. Bench press
135, 2x3
185, 2x1
Slingshot 195x2
Slingshot 205x7
B. Shoulder saver close grip 4x9
C1. Around worlds 4x12
C2. Rope upright rows 4x910
C3. Plate raise 4x15
D. Seated cable rows 4x10
E1. Tris
A. SSB vs chains 8x3 @ 185 (used EZ strap loaders)
B. Block pulls work up to 350x amap and hit it for 8
C. Leg press 4x15
D. Chest supported rows 5x12
E. Leg extensions
F. Abs
A. Speed bench 12x3 @ 50%
B. Weighted pull-ups 6x4
C1. Laterals 5x12
C2. Upright rows 5x10
D1. DB pullovers 3x15
D2. Tate press 3x10
E1. Pushdowns 4x50 banded w/ light band
E2. Hammer curls 4x10
A. Squat
135, 2x3
185, 2x3
225, 2x7
B. Sumo stiffeys 4x12-12-9-7 (worked up to 225)
C. Wide lat pulldowns 5x12
D. Rear pec decks 4x15
E. Bulgarians 3x12ea
F. Abs