Pop Your Heart Wed.:
Man o MAN O!!! Since we started this block of training, I've been getting home DRAINED. I don't mean a little bit either.
Couple that with a bit of caloric restriction as well as reduced carbs (after all it IS beach season) I've been feeling a bit hypoglycemic as well as neurally fatigued. I figure since I feel this way, perhaps others in my groups might need to step back a little today.
So instead of the normal BALLS to the WALL we opted for two cardiovascular exercises and keeping them to 25 minutes each IN the heart rate training range, (or for a few, slightly below)
Nothing fancy...just some steady state!
Then two sets of any exercises for the:
Biceps, Triceps, and Abs
A nice long slow bike commute stopping to take care of a few errands on the way home.
Now for copious amounts of food throughout the day.
GOOD FOOD with only one ingredient...THAT food!