Normally I have a rhythm to the week's worth of training. This is good and bad. Good because it allows people to prepare for the type of training we're doing on any particular day. Bad, in that people will "Cherry Pick" the workouts. IE..Wed are usually set aside for conditioning. A lot of folks would rather "just lift" instead. I have to constantly remind all that it's Strength AND Conditioning that defines my program.
I threw them a curve today. Conditioning Tuesday. Many weren't happy, and some thrived!
Come in and be ready to TRAIN is all I ask!
Today's Training:
10 mins Legs only
10 mins Arms and Legs
10 mins Arms only
Try to beat 10 miles in that allotted time.
Concept II Row: 12x15/45
Landmines: 3x10
Standing Side Bends: 3x20
Abdominal Crunch: 200 reps
Bike Commute: 30 mins. (I took a new route home)