One question that stuck out to me was "Thoughts on sets of 20 in the squat to increase GPP?"
I saw someone had posted this on twitter recently, and since I had nothing better to do I tried it. Not having trained in forever I figured 135 was a great place to start with the SSB Yoke.
Set up. Three full breaths. Squat. That's one. Three full breaths. Squat. That's two.
It was fine. A good challenge as the weight increases week to week. But honestly, not necessary. There are so many better and safer ways to increase GPP than doing a power based movement to fatigue. Again, in my case I'm an old 800lb squatter taking 135. There's almost no foreseeable way for me to get hurt. Now do that with 405...maybe. And I'll ask, as I always do, why?
Training Economy prohibits such a fruitless endeavor. Pros involve feeling mentally tough, which is great, as well as a ton of time under tension. Cons- obvious chance for injury as well as poor motor patterns if you're grinding out reps with shitty form.
My advice- get a sled or grab something heavy and carry it.