Friday was a raw bench session at SMG Powerlifting in New York. I train a client there and decided to work in with him because I was pressed for time (and it was fun for us to train together for a change.
My goal was 6x6 at 275. I started the month at 2x6 with the same weight, and was looking forward to seeing how much I've improved.
The first 4 sets were easy, so I bumped it to 295 on the fifth set and got another 6.
Then I tried 300 on my last but was only good for 5.
Even though was a rep short on the last one, it was still more weight than I had planned, and my bodyweight is about 13 lbs less than the last time I got anywhere near that, so good day.
Moved on to overhead presses with dumbbells for 10s, then chest supported rows for sets of 10.
Good day, raw strength is coming back (relatively speaking, lol)