Today was the first day of "Re-Load". I took the week off and did nothing more than side step responsibility, avoid over load, meet napping head on and eating like a famine victim.
I've been getting "Cupping" treatment on my back and more precisely my sciatic nerve.
I've also made THERAPEUTIC use of my hot tub. Usually I just kick back in it at the end of the day to relax. This last week was relax with a purpose.
Today I did a movements that would make the area warm without adding weight.
After doing independent knees to elbows while suspended from ab straps, I hooked up the Blast Straps and used fabric loops instead of the handles to put my feet in. From this position I could extend my hips with my legs straight while abducting them at the same time, from the floor and in the supine position.
Cat/Camels for a few sets got the area nice and warm.
I then Squatted with a bit more narrow stance for just 3 sets of 13 reps with the Mastodon Bar.
This didn't make the nerve area happy, but not doing them would make my head MORE unhappy.
4 sets of 10 reps done at a VERY slow tempo on the Glute/Hamstring machine ended the lifting for today.
I'll get another cupping treatment in an hour or so.
I need to get T shirts made for my training groups that reads..."Rehab is for Quitters" hahahahahahaha