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Dr. Ken Leistner passed away this past Saturday.


I am sure that there are some who remember his articles. I remember an article series he ran that involved himself and a friend making the trip from Long Island to York, PA. in a blizzard to purchase a rack. As I think back on that story I am reminded of my first Learn to Train Seminar and walking into the old compound.


I just thought there ought to be a mention of his passing. He was an Iron Game legend like Starr. This is the opening to that article. It sums up a legendary life in the Iron Game.

Image result for dr ken leistner


"Though plagued with Alzheimer’s Disease, my ninety-three year old mother had enough awareness to ask, “How can you continue to write so much about the same bullshit?” She was referring to my comment that I was going to write an article for StartingStrength.com, and after the publication of more than 1500 articles over the course of forty-five years, her comment wasn’t off base. My articles have been published in professional journals, books, muscle building and strength-related magazines, and on various internet sites. The topics have ranged from concussion mechanisms and treatment, catastrophic cervical spine injuries arising from the game of football, nutrition, injury prevention and rehabilitation, and the history of the Iron Game, to building strength and muscle tissue."  - Dr Ken


Certainly the latter categories have brought me to StartingStrength.com. It just makes sense that I pass this on to you if you were not aware and maybe give out a Rest In Peace. Thank-you

- Dan Stevens