Talk is cheap! People do like to hear themselves but lip service has ZERO return without ACTION steps.
I always liked what Mike Tyson had to say, "Everyone has a plan they tell you about, until they get PUNCHED in the face".
I say go for the Punch! To the face, throat, whatever, but TAKE action instead of telling anyone about it.
I needed to coach yesterday and my participants wanted to talk to each other rather than listen to the instructions. So this morning I decided to get everyone's attention. I POPPED hearts and THRASHED legs.
Here's the menu:
In order...
Prowler: 10x40 yards @90 lbs for men, 50 for women
Double Kettle Bell Swings for men: 5x10@44 lbs women: 5x20 with ONE 35 lb KB
Banded sideways walk (abduction walk) 200 steps in EACH direction
Walking Lunge: 200 steps on EACH leg
Hamstring to Calf Squat: 5x20@45 lb bar only.
Needless to say, I got everyone's attention!