1. Laugh no less than 12 times per day
2. Help at least one person per day
3. Learn something, anything new per day
4. Always carry a knife
5. Speak the truth when ASKED a question
6. The only weights that count in a weight room are 25's, 45's, and Hundreds. and all bars weigh 45 pounds regardless of their weight.
7. Know the difference between what is important and what is urgent.
8. Act Immediately!!!
This was actually a New Years Goal of mine. I had gotten myself into a habit of waiting. Waiting until I got a round tuit, waiting until the i's got dotted and the t's crossed. Waiting until the urge hit me a third time. I waited until the thought passed.
January 1st came around and I added to my goal list to get shit done!
Many know that my Grandfather was a mentor of mine. He would say, "To Know and not to do, is NOT to know. If you knew you would DO!" Well, as confused as I may have been, I've always been a person of action, but fell for a slump last year. Paralysis of analysis.
My action plan was more like ready, ready, ready, aim, aim, ready, when it was...Fire! Aim! Ready....
Far better to ask for forgiveness, rather than permission. So now we make it a habit to GET ER DONE, when the thought arrives.
Fuck it , if you make a mistake. We learn that way.
Be a PRO, as in PROACTIVE rather than sitting on your hands until the thought is GONE!
Do Shit NOW!
Today's Training:
Seated Leg Curl vs. medium band: 1x36...pump a boat load of blood into the Pork Chords
GHR: 4x8...yup, more blood!!!
Squat: Work up to 50% of max using the SSB Yoke Bar and a parallel box. Once there, add three chains per side and bang out 4 sets of 6.
Leg Press: Yes, we have one. Never used it until today. 4x8 with constant tension. Never locked it out, but brought it all the way down. Guess these old muscles still have a bit of elasticity to them. My sacrum never came close to breaking in half.
One Leg Box Step up: 3x12 with constant tension again. Never locking the leg out totally. I used a 50 pound weight vest AND set #1 holding two 10 pound DB, set 2, 15 pound DB , and set three with 20 pounders.
Snatch Grip Back Extensions using an elevated 45 degree bench. 3x10x95 OUCH!