Your ATTITUDE and not your AMPLITUDE is what determines your ALTITUDE.
How high you can achieve and how you feel when you get there is determined by your attitude. NO ONE can shape that unless you allow it to happen.
Guard your attitude.
Turn off the Social Media bullshit
Turn off the regular media bullshit
READ...Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) books
Listen to motivational speakers that pump up your goose bumps.
Heisman Trophy all the Negative Stink'n Think'n
THEN...KICK IT ALL BACK AND RELAX (Rule 27) to let it all set in.
Today's Training:
Pop Your Heart Saturday. Conditioning.
10x10 yd warm up sprints 50%-60%
5x10 yard side shuffle to the left
5x10 yard side shuffle to the right
10x50 yard Pick up playing various stride length games
2x100 yard put all the new techniques together
-Stride length
Sand Pit Hell.
10 suicides
Width broad jumps x 5
One foot broad jumps x 4 each leg
Bear Crawl to one end. Sprint back (in the sand) x 3 in a row=1 rep
Do that twice!
Roll around in the sand, get wet, get sandy feel'n froggy...JUMP