I was standing on the lacrosse field this morning in the pouring rain and I was aghast by the number of parents that found their phones more entertaining than their son's performances on the the field.
We have gotten so self serving and self CONSUMING that we forget that when the boy asks afterwards "Mom/Dad, how do you think I did?" ANY answer other than "I don't know, I wasn't watching" is a down right LIE!
Maybe they are a lot more important than I am, but NOTHING is more important than my wife and child.
Not only that, but in the down pour the amount of sitting in the car while the game goes on, and the oversized SHELTERS that are erected by Mr. and Mrs. Silicon Valley is appalling.
I am marking this day as "Get a Set Sunday" Now ladies, you can have a pair too, but try not to emaciate your already menstrual cycling husbands.
I am now, ON PURPOSE signing off on all umbrellas the same way I did shoes.
I have a friend on the East Coast that is from New York. The rest of the country has it's feelings about both California and NY. Know this MF-er's, I have a handle on the Left Coast Liberals. I live among them and lend the obvious looks of disdain when they pull a tampon wearing move. I know for FACT, Chris Jonesy has the NY region covered. What I'm asking for is that others SAC UP. Don't be a jerk, but certainly understand that (In the words of Jim Wendler), UNLESS you are going to swap DNA with that person, there is no need for any sensitive type conversations.
Get down to business. Tell people the TRUTH. YOU can have an opinion for JC sake. They can have an opinion that is different. You DON'T need to change each other's minds, but you do need to SAC UP and NOT back down when confronted with the differences.
I am an advocate of listening FIRST. Formulate a well thought out response, and then TELL the person that I am happy for their train of thought, and I welcome the new idea, but there is no WAY their opinion is going to change mine, UNLESS...I am actually seeking further knowledge and I don't really KNOW which way I'm going.
Rarely (and I do mean RARELY) does a person half my age have much credibility when they are lending me recommendations about LIFE EXPERIENCE.
Hell son, you barely have been laid with your boots off.
Ooooo, maybe that's WHY I have this affliction for shoes....hmmmmm.
For my SAC UP SUNDAY training:
Dead Lifts and Squats.
One hour from the time I charged the parking lot, until we exited stage RIGHT.