I think communication is key in training, coaching...TEACHING. I have always been one that likes things straight forward. Tell me what you want. Answer the question I ask. Don't pad things, thinking it will make me feel better. Don't second guess the "what dayamean?" Ask me...I'll tell you!
I'd much rather communicate in the simplest of ways. Use less words. I get it!
I have made it my life long endeavor to use the least amounts of characters when relaying information. Get to the bottom of it and then get on with it.
No reason to use 22,000 characters when 12 will do!
Stop trying to "save feelings" Stop wasting time.
Besides, the more you get to the point, the better you will refine that skill and NOT offend!
Today' Training:
C/S Row: 3x10
Lat Pulldown wide mag bar: 3x10
Chin ups/Dip Super set: 10x3/4
BB Curl: 3x10
Tricep Cable Push down: 3x12
Preacher Curl: 3x10
Supine DB Tri Extension: 3x12
Bike: 20 mins.