Here we go with another Old Man rant.
As you may or may not know, I hate scumbags.
Hopefully you do too.
Let me back up.
Last week we officially opened “Murph Beach” East and “Murph Beach” West is opening soon.
Murph Beach is kind of like Muscle Beach, but without the sand and jacked dudes. It’s full of mostly Bearish powerlifters.
I had two concrete pads poured in my parking lots so that we can train outside just like at the original TPS location, and our Victoria Street spot.
We just finished setting up Murph Beach East by adding a power rack and deadlift platform and it’s pretty awesome. It’s not a sweet EliteFTS power rack, they are too nice to put outdoors.
It’s still an awesome spot to go and smash weights in the beautiful weather.
If you’ve never trained outside you are missing out.
You get a healthy dose of Vitamin D (not that kind) and some fresh air. It’s also really cool to have a change of environment to train in while still being at your home gym.
So, we put a pile of old, nasty, rusty plates we had stored in our alley (locked up) and put them on Murph Beach and covered with a tarp way in the corner of the parking lot so you wouldn’t see them.
My team was concerned that would get stolen but I said it was probably ok because it would only be for a week or two.
You see, as a completely below average amateur fabricator, I was going to make some sweet locking weight posts this weekend and REDHEAD them into the ground so the plates would be secure.
I figured that the chances of someone coming in the lot and poking around the tarp was pretty low and they would be safe for a week.
Well, we opened Murph Beach on Thursday of last week, and all was good.
People were training outside and putting the plates away and all was well.
Kevin went out to train yesterday and came back in the gym and told me the plates were stolen.
They didn’t even make it a week.
Really, who would go to the trouble to steal a pile of old rusty plates?
A scumbag maggot that’s who.
That is a lot of work and a good risk to take if you were caught for about $50 worth of used plates (if you bought them). As scrap, I am betting the total amount of weight was worth less than $5.00.
Are you so averse to working a real job that you go around and make other people’s lives miserable to make $5.00 in scrap metal?
I guess you are.
What kind of scumbag does this?
I have a few quality leads on who did this including photos of a pair of real assholes that have been robbing a few other local businesses in the same manner.
I’ve also posted a $100 reward for info that leads to the identification of the actual scumbags.
$100 is far more than the value of the plates. It’s the principle.
Hopefully, we find out who did it.
Rant is over.
If you are in the area and want to try training outside we’ll have more plates, locked this time soon.
I'll get some real coaching stuff up for this week soon too!
I’ve extended the deadline for the Malden’s Strongest contest on July 29th.
We are running a small Strongman show at Idle Hands Taproom this month.
Events are Axle Clean and Press, and Axle Deadlift.
We’ve got a ton of great sponsors and some sweet prizes and trophies.
We need a few more athletes.
100% of the profit goes to Housing Families. This is a great local charity that helps homeless families get situated I permanent housing.
Go to the Contest page on my site and sign up for the Malden’s Strongest Strongman show July 29th with 100% of the profit going to charity. Full details are on the page.
Ask me a question-Be sure and Type to Murph in the header
Find me on Google-search for Total Performance Sports Malden, Mass. The Best Gym in Boston, Facebook too.
Oh, yeah, follow us on Instagram too. TPSMalden
Vincere vel mori
Vinceri vel Mori