Vincent had quite the morning with his Paddle Boarding and Nature adventure.
We all love to conjure up those stories of how big "the one that got away" was.
Check out Vinny D's adventure here:
I am no stranger to those waters, and while many know of my Triathlon training past, I've done MANY stupid things that you aren't suppose to do.
His story brings back a particular training day I had about this time of year, some 20-25 years ago.
I got up on a hot and humid morning when I slapped on my Saucony's. (yes, I ran in shoes back then) The idea of this day's training was to run out to the Long Island Sound from my Stamford CT. apartment, about a 4 mile route. Once at the sound, I'd hop the fence and swim out and around the buoy for a total of a mile swim. Then I'd run back home completing 8 mile run and a mile swim.
I've always attacked at sunrise, so there was no one around. As I swam past the moored boats, and just past the breaker wall, I too saw the water start to churn. As I kept my pace out to the buoy the waters turned down right turbulent. I'm thinking FAK...JAWS! Here I am, swimming ALONE in a restricted area and I'm going to run into a Great White who didn't even bring his music which they all do.."Du nu...Dunu...Dunt, dunt,dunt....."
As I get to the buoy I scamper up on to it and hold on for LIFE. Not so dear, but LIFE!
Here I was, sunrising, no one to call out to, no one to find my chewed up body, nothing but the Headlines in the Stamford/Greenwich Newspaper..."Triathlete Killed and Found Half Eaten by Famed Movie Character"
The waters continued to churn and I am not feeling like getting back in to set a 1/2 mile World Record. I contemplate pulling the Jesus move and just run back across the top, but was sure THAT wasn't a good idea.
What was this monster anyway? How could I negotiate with it? Perhaps...I could KILL IT?
No! It was a large school of Blue Fish. God Damn BLUE FISH.
Ever talk to a Blue fish? There is no talking to them. STUPID fish has no sense of direction or humor.
Aggressive as Piranha, and twice as big. I decided to "go for it".
I jumped out as far as I could and began my assault on the World Record. I punched a bunch of them, and then turned on my back to kick a couple 10-12 thousand feet into the air.
I made landfall and collapsed from my racing heart and breathlessness. I strapped my shoes back on and began my run back home feeling kind of ragged.
A FISH! A God DAMN FISH!!! I'm smarter than a fish (or AM I?)
Regardless, I can empathize with my buddy Vincent.
I have gone back into the water...many times, ALONE too. But that's my destiny.
I am going to be Shark Bait when I go. I am impervious to disease, and natural causes wasn't in my Crystal Ball. But SHARK...yea, that's the way I'm going out. But not until we consume a lot of Thrasher Shark sandwiches.
Incline DB Chest Press: 4x8x80
Incline Bench: 5x5x225 Ballistically
Deep Stretch Push ups between two benches: 3x40
DB Lateral Raise: To the 10:00 and 2:00 hand position: 3x15x25
DB Chest Supported Rear Delt Raise: 3x15x25