Recently I have had more request for my list of rules than I can remember. Must be something about the Law and Order of living in my house.
I've sited on occasion a few, like Rule#67 which states NO COMPLAINING, but like Jethro Gibbs I've never actually sat down and listed them in absolute order.
Since the list is lofty, I will give one per day.
Rule #1- You MUST laugh a minimum of 12 times per day.
Simple. Find something humorous and laugh. It can be a simple humph or it can be a full on eyeball leaking, belly burning, vein popping gafaw.
Today's Training:
Escalating weight with regression reps
Reps start at 20 and drop to 18,16,14,12 as the weight goes up in 10 pound increments.
Lat Pulldown
C/S Row
Lat Pull throughs as a finisher
Cable Tri Push downs w/ rope attachment
DB Curls
Supine DB Tri Extensions
DB Hammer Curls
Bike Commute and done as in D.U.N.