1. Laugh no less than 12 per day
2. Help at least ONE person per day
3. Learn something, ANYTHING new daily
I didn't do this once and had to go to the Encyclopedia Brittanica Vol. II, chapter IV page 322.
"As far as the eye can see at the point of horizon from a sea level view is 22 miles."
Even at the expense of sounding like Cliff Claven, the master of information, even USELESS information is far better than staying ignorant or stupid.
Dynamic Bench: 10x3 @55%
Over head "Dangle" Press: Attach plates to a bar using mini bands. This will cause instability to the movement and creating a most AWESOME pump in the shoulders
10x3 w/ a five count pause at the extension @100 lbs
Prowler: 8x40 yards x 100 lbs
Cable Cross Over: 3x30
Cable Lateral Raise: 3x30
Bike Commute