Setting yourself up for a great day might not be exactly what some people make it out to be.⁣
I find it interesting that we live in a time where daily rituals are being noted as the difference makers and the paved road to success in strength, relationships and riches. The mastermind mantras are all about lowering stress, recovery, sharing responsibility, seeking pleasure, working smart and doing what makes you happy. The good life right? ⁣

We can agree the world could use more personal accountability and that when you think you’re really working hard you know there’s always someone working harder. ⁣

I think we also agree to move ahead means we have to do things we don’t like and no matter how often we do some things, they always suck. ⁣

The world is not without pain. I’m not going to insult intelligence by tying to convince you pain is real. Hell, without pain we wouldn’t know what pleasure is. There is no world where one exists without the other. ⁣



You WILL get mad, depressed, sad, unworthy, not fit in, full of doubt and every other normal emotion in life. To pretend otherwise is not realistic and for others to tell you otherwise is selling you a line of crap. ⁣

You want to move forward? ⁣

Take responsibility for your actions and those around you. ⁣

When you think you're working hard, note that it's just getting started. ⁣

Expect more of yourself than anyone else ever will. Not just expect it but do it. ⁣

Stress is part of life. Lowering stress simply means doing nothing that scares you or nothing you think you may not be able to do. Learn to manage your stress so you can begin to take ownership of it. ⁣

Emotions are part of life, part of me, you and everyone. Nobody can tell you how you should or shouldn’t feel. You decided that based on the information you have and past experience. What you need to ask is if the narrative you tell yourself is true or false? ⁣

Many times your best shots and opportunities will come on your worst days. ⁣

Just think about it. How many awesome things in your life came out of some of the worst days? How many times have you been kicked to the ground on some of the best?⁣



*NOTE: If you feel you do not have control over your emotional state or the narrative you play in your head there is nothing wrong with seeking help. It’s easier than you think and the strongest thing you may ever do for yourself.


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