IMAGE: Hoss the Boss

Source: Powerlifting USA Magazine Vol. 18 NO.1 Aug/94
Link to PLUSA
Photos: Powerlifting USA



I was flipping through some old Powerlifting USA Magazines, and one caught my attention.



On the cover was "Hoss the Boss", if you were a lifter from the Ohio region at the time you knew who he was, we all knew who he was. He lifted out of Blacks Health World, was crazy as hell, and one of the best lifters you would ever meet. Let me rephrase that; he was one of the best people you would ever meet.


What caught my attention is I lifted in the same APF Nationals, and he dedicated his lifting to Matt Dimel. Matt was another SHW lifter and training partner. He was the reason I decided to move to Columbus and train at Westside Barbell.  Matt was an influence in my life and someone whom I still miss today.
At the end of the table of contents...
"ON THE COVER... Ohio's Hoss the Boss dedicated his lifting at the APF Senior Nationals to his departed friend - MATT DIMEL".
Hoss didn't post a huge total that day, but this was one of the first times we saw him back on the platform in years. His reason for lifting was bigger than the total, and that was the reason he was on the cover.


Getting on the cover of PLUSA was an honor and nobody bitched about this one.

Hoss has since passed, but the memories remain.
Jim Voronin won the supers that day with an 865-611-644 for a 2165 total. Jim is still with us today working as a high school principle helping to shape the youth of today. He is doing well and hates cardio just like the rest of us.


I shit the bed that day and bombed on the deadlift. Up to this point, I had never done that in my life. My excuse (we all have them) is the meet went fast as hell. As soon as I got my squat suit off, I was called on deck to bench. THIS is how fast the meet went, and I am sure hurt everyone's lifts a bit. I was one of the few that didn't adapt and was not able to budge my opener off the floor. It wasn't heavy for me and was a weight I opened with many times before; it was 100 off my best pull. Fact is, I sucked and wasn't in good enough shape. I was introduced to the dragging sled after this and never had that problem again.


I could spend a week going through these old magazines and write hundreds of stories.


To leave you with something more than a bomb out story here is the Workout of the Month. Enjoy and I hope you learn something from it. Shane was an amazing lifter.



click image for full size


Source: Powerlifting USA Magazine Vol. 18 NO.1 Aug/94
Link to PLUSA
Photos: Powerlifting USA



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