I have made it a habit not to complain.  I preach about it in Rule #67

I AM quite candid when asked about an opinion.  After all, it is MY opinion and not everyone agrees with it, and I'm "OK" with that.

But when I don't say anything and I give what people call "The Look" I have to wonder what they are thinking at that moment.

I know for me, it's the quiet ones that are real calm that I keep my eye on.


Today's Training:

Dynamic Bench: 12X3@ 50% wish +10 pounds for men...5 for women over last weeks number


Incline DB Bench: 4x10

Cable Fly: 4x10


Shrug: 4x10

Skull Crusher: 4x10


Cable Tricep Push down: 4x10


Suspended Knees to Elbow: 4x10


BB  Preacher Curl: 4x10

Fat Grip Hammer Curl: 4x10

Bike Commute: 20 minutes