Have you ever wondered why trees grow so big??? Because they're outside!
Look, the human organism was made for locomotion when it comes to walking. So go ahead and do it. As a matter of fact, along with that extra water that you are now drinking, adding a 20-30 minute walk outside will be of great benefit for you and your significant "other" or better yet...you, your significant other AND your dog! Don't have one? We'll address that later...I am sure. But go get one, or borrow one for now.
Today's Training:
6 rep max Floor Press: PRE of 7 or 8
DB Chest Press: 3x10
Cable Fly: 3x10
DB Supine Tricep Extension: 3x10
DB Curl: 3x10
Dips: 3x10
BB Curl: 3x10
Optional (not really) Conditioning: AirDyne or Row for 15 minutes a bit harder than normal.
Bike Commute: 20 minutes. I scared the FUCK out of a fella at the BART station who had his head buried in his device. "BOOM" as I closed in on him seemed to ignite his fears!