(Strength Coach Mentorship Group)

Couple weeks ago, I opened up a call for strength coaches (young, old, new, veterans) to listen in on.  The main thing I wanted to talk about on this call was something that I find very important in this industry....


In a field where we see shiny and new popping up all over the place, it's easy to grab a hold of what Successful Coach A is doing and duplicate it. That could be training programs, exercises, coaching style, verbiage, and attitude.

I do believe there are principles that we can utilize from others... business, training, concepts, etc.  But no matter WHAT the topic is, you still need to make it yours.  You need to make it work for you.

I'm moreso talking about coaching style than anything.  Your style should not and cannot  be the same as someone else's.  One coach's style works for them because IT'S THEM!

Don't be an ass-kicker just because you studied under someone who was able to coach that way.

Don't be Mr. Nice Guy just because you worked with someone who was successful with their athletes that way.

Don't be Ms. Arms-Folded-Never-Speak-A-Word just because you watched a big name coach act that way.

Your athletes will respond to you because it's YOU.  They will buy-in to your program because you are real and genuine.  Your style isn't forced. And most importantly, you are able to be you in several different ways (tough love when needed, soft when needed, straight-forward when needed, caring when needed).

Your athletes are buying you.

Your athletes want to work with you.

When they see you, no matter what that style is, they will jump off a 10 story building for you.

Be. Yourself.

(So You Want To Be a Strength Coach E-book)

(Strength Coach Mentorship Group)