Wrist angle--easy to forget until it causes multiple issues during pressing and other upper body movements. Here are two good examples of maintaining wrist positioning under load--even oscillating load such as @underthebar is doing. Make sure you are paying attention to how much your wrists "crank back" i.e. go into extension during bench or other pressing work. A failure to do so can wreak havoc on your elbows and even contribute to shoulder and pec issues.
Dig the bar deep into the web of your thumb and lock it there with a tight grip. A good cue to help keep your grip tight is being sure to squeeze your pinkies as hard as possible--don't get lazy with it. This as well as starting the press with straight wrists will keep your wrist angle consistent through a rep or set. Be sure to wrap your wrists effectively--more discussion of that to come from elitefts in the future, stay tuned!