Boy o boy did I feel like tearing people up today. NOT their fault, but I must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.
Question #1 occurred while I was brushing my teeth before my eyes opened.
Question #2 struck before I cracked the first egg into the pan.
Question #3-10 were in rapid fire succession before I even wrote the workout up on the white board.
Question #11 got EVERYONE a trip to the "Conditioning Tool" of the day so that I could think.
We share the gym space with a CrossFit element. Never an issue to coexist EXCEPT on Thursdays. (no longer Throat Punch Thursday as it became Choke Slam Thursday)
Thursday's early A.M. instructor is a pretty and normally nice young lady who in her previous life HAD to be a cheerleader. Her voice carries nicely and pierces my ear drums. BUT the MUSIC!!! She turned it up today to level 12 out the 10 that it has.
It was SO loud that I no longer could coach my folks.
Once she had finished she left the facility and me with an awful pain between my eyes. (We WILL have a conversation with regard to the volume of the music and not include the sucky taste in genre as well)
Now that I'm home, I notice that the neighbor's little "yippee" dog is chirping it's bark non stop at the yard care people that the owner's hired.
Today may NOT end well for someone! (Probably me)
So I suppose the ONLY thing that I can control is ME! Perhaps once I get outside to do those sprints, things will get better.
Wow...I just re read (proofreading) this. I now sound like those little whiney bitches I walk away from... hahahahahahahaha
Today's Training:
AirDyne Bike: 20 mins.
SSB Yoke Bar Parallel Pause Box Squat:
Work up slowly to a HEAVY 6 reps. Don't get smashed by the weight, but make it hard between reps 4 and 6.
Each sit should have a three or four count pause on the bottom to lose the stretch reflex.
Drive up hard!
Then take 60% of the heaviest weight you get to and perform 3 sets of 10 reps normal box squat.
Walking Lunge Steps: 3 sets of 10 reps EACH leg.
Make sure to "tap" the rear knee each rep.
GHR/Hamstring Curl: 3x10
Bike Commute Home: 20 minutes
Sprint I: 10x10 yards @ 50% of max
Sprint II: 10x50 yards @90%