Not that this particular one says that.  This is some strong company I'm in here.

I don't get to mix it up with the Home staff in Ohio much.  But when I do, it's an interaction with THE lovely and talented Sheena Leedham.

I doesn't matter how much time passes, or how busy SHE is, she ALWAYS takes a moment for me and treats me if I am David (ef'n ) Tate himself.

* Well...then again, I've seen her eye roll D.T.

Regardless,  I request, she delivers.  THAT is how I am posting here again.

Often, when I can't get into this site, I think it's because they have fired me.  But then...I think they would fear I would show up for Breakfast, Lunch AND Dinner everyday in London Ohio.

Sheena then requested I give an outline of myself at present. it is:



I think I wrote about getting hit by yet another car this past week.

All my wounds are pretty much closed up, and the blood has been washed from the sheets.

I even Dead Lifted today without fearing (too much) ripping the scabs off.  But a little blood on the bar wasn't awful.

12 sets of 1 that were preceded by Dynamic Squats: 12 x 2 at 50%

But that's it for the weight room today.

Meanwhile, since I will be heading for Lake Tahoe this Labor Day Weekend and won't be holding sessions Saturday nor Monday, I am MURDERING people this week.

Combination sessions are SMOKING everyone.

Some upper, some lower, and a shit ton of conditioning.

I will sprint later doing 10x50 yards.

Until then...Like some people say in small foreign countries that I say at a meal...."Ciao'"