After being asked if I had "any plans for the fall", I realized they were speaking about Autumn and not the end of Civilization.
K.I.S.S. needs to be applied. "Keep it simple, Stupid"
Today's Training;
AirDyne: 23 minutes
Bike Commute: Yes! The air was clean enough to breath this morning. Oh happy day: 18 minutes
Pre hab/ Rehab:
Five Sets of 10 reps of the following exercises:
C/S Row
DB Row
Blast Strap Row
BB Curl
DB Concentration Curl
Rope Tricep Push Down
Single Arm/Cross Body Supine Tricep Extension
Bike Commute: 18 minutes
Sprints: 10x50 yards x 75% more like 50% though with the pinch in my sciatic nerve. My purpose with these were to run relaxed and stride them out.