I usually can tell when one of my participants is having an emotionally rough day.  There's an aura about them.  A "feeling".  I will always ask, "you ok?"

Sometimes they will respond, "yes.  Everything is ok" or if they hold that question for that ever so brief moment I will know that NO...everything is NOT OK.

I'll open my arms and have had more than one person break down and cry.  I won't ask anything else.  I'll let them have that moment and hold them to know that whenever they need an ear to hear of their issues, I am there to listen.

Two ears; one mouth.  About the correct ratio to do things!


Today's Training:

Bike Commute: 20 mins.

Concept II Row:

10 min steady

10x10/50 sprints

10 min steady


C.S. Row: 4x8

Single Arm Supinated Lat Pulldown: 4x8

BB Curl: 4x8

EZ Preacher Curl: 4x8

Bike Commute: 20 mins.
