Now that school is back in session, you would think that the gym would have gotten quieter.

While most of the college kids have left the high schoolers AND...a couple Jr. High Schoolers (yes, Jr. HIGH!) now have  to come in extra early so they can get their workouts in and get to school.

THEN...their parents and others who were away for the summer, come in once the budding future of America is getting educated.

In other words....I'm packed and busy as heck.  It makes for a fun time for sure.  For those few hours, I think I either need MORE space, more equipment, or more time.

Naahhh...just more space and equipment.  I like my hours! (or should I say...hour?)

Yea, I could make more dinero if I extended my hours, but why?  I don't live above my means.  I don't "want" for very much.  I enjoy the pace of my life, and the people I share it with.  But to be more convenient, to accommodate other people's time?  Nooooo...Sometimes "Awesome" is inconvenient and often...quite painful.

I've paid my dues working from sun up to sun down and beyond.  I get up early, because I like to think I own the morning!  I enjoy my quiet bike rides to and from the gym.  I like my naps to happen before noon, and playing games and such with my son after he gets home from school.

Well...regardless of this ramble,


John Meadow type Rows: 4x10

Pullovers" 4x10

Chin ups: 50 reps

Kayak Rows: 4x10

Cable Tricep Push down: 3x AMRAP with increasing weight

BB Curls: 3x AMRAP with increasing weight

BB Skull Crusher: 3x AMRAP with increasing weight

Cable Curl: 3x AMRAP with increasing weight