So I squatted 400 lbs and change on Saturday for a double off the box with Wendler and Rhodes on Saturday, but I was not happy with it. It's not about the weight, I'm fine with that. They both thought my form was a bit off. They thought I was too wide and Rhodes thought I was dropping on the box. I figured I'd take this squat day to work on form and get up to something I could base a training max on. I hate doing that with too light of weight because form does not degrade until weight gets heavier, makes sense right?
I ended up stopping at 450. The weight felt fine, but the form felt odd being more narrow. I felt like I was way forward. Anyway, I feel comfortable using around 450 as a max and will just build from there. I'll be shooting lots of video so I can critique my form.
Regarding assistance, I am really annoyed with myself. I came up with this full body plan of hitting everything while trying to be careful not to do things to take away from the next training session. I ended up doing six or seven exercises. This was friggin stupid and took way too much thought.
For the future I will just do upper assistance on upper days and lower assistance on lower days. Pretty f'n brilliant huh. Looks like I just reinvented the wheel. Meanwhile I am going to do a lot of extra sets of the main exercise whether it be more fsl volume, widowmakers, top sets of 5x5, or boring but strong. In other words, I'm going to let the big sh!t take care of the small sh!t. I'll do the small sh!t with three or so exercises. That's plenty.
I hate that I'll have to remind myself of this always. There's nobody who can suffer from paralysis through analysis like I can.
-SSB box squat, worked up to 450
-SSB gm's 155 2x10
-Bulgarian split squats 20 2x10
-Calf raises 15
-Meadows row 45 3x10
-Cable curl 30x10 35 2x10
-Band pushdowns x30
-Band lateral raises x20