All about speed. Blazing ass whoop'n speed. I often talk about making movements "sexy" by telling those that are grinding too much that what they just performed was like "Old people ef'n, it was slow and ugly." No way! We want this to be wind burn fast with enough weight to make it down right pornographic. SPEED!
Squat: 8x2x275 fast freak'n pounds
GHR: 2x5 followed by two more sets of as many as you can do. If the hamstrings aren't barking like Harbor Seals then you still are sitting on top of piglet threads. NOPE, we want PORK CHORDS back there.
Three sets of heavy (REAL HEAVY) Reverse Hypers doing 8 reps per set.
The normal ebb and flow of the facility was in full swing now that we are in August the "Vacation" month. Schools are starting soon (if not already) and my college kids are preparing to head back. I didn't care. Nope, today with my son NOT in any camp, he needed to be dropped off so I could watch him. April had to head into the office and I was so jacked because...HUNTER was squatting with me today!
I've never lowered the Monolift to that height, but it was both really cool and down right adorable.
While others were benching, he was nailing HIS sexy speed squats. He does it with a light bar and some smaller weight, but the form is FLAWLESS.
We need to do a "How To" video. You'd crack up these are so perfect.
Anyway, as we rode our bikes home, he informs me that he'd like to stop at a friend's house, and that I could go home to do whatever. He'd be along when he was finished with lunch and such.
I made sure his friend and his friend's parent were there, and I rode the rest of the distance solo.
Don't Blink!