My body keeps feeling better. I guess I just have to constantly grease the wheel. I don't mind this because I am enjoying the work. On top of the training, conditioning, and recovery, I have been doing lots of various leg swings throughout the day which is helping loosen up my hips and back.
The squats are starting to feel somewhat consistent with the wide stance. The box is brutal because I am sitting and pausing then driving up without any rocking or momentum. My back and hips don't feel any ill effects from it so I'm on the right path. Plus, this was my heaviest week, sigh, even though it was only 355. Got a comfortable 10, my max rep count for AMRAP. Now I just need to keep building.
-SSB box squat 280x5, 315x3, 355x10, 280 5x8
-Ab wheel rollouts 5x10
-Bulgarian split squats 5x10
-Back raises 25 5x10
-Kb swings 10x10
-40 minutes treadmill
-10 trips suitcase carries
-Foam roll/stretch