As if Thursday isn't good enough, I put some icing on the cake by adding Deadlifts to an already GLORIOUS DAY!
I have to admit...I was "called out" by my lifting crew this morning. I was breaching my own rule #67 with a couple stray complaints until half my crew called me a "whiney lil' bitch".
I sat on the squat box and laughed at the irony. Then I hiked up my big boy squat briefs and cinched my belt a notch tighter finished my chuckle and thanked my boys for squaring me up!
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 23 mins
Still...2x15 of the following:
Reverse Hyper
Back Ext
Side Flex
Suspended Knees to Elbow
Cable Fly
Push Ups
DB Lateral Raise
DB Rear Delt Raise
Main Lift:
Dynamic Squat: 10x2
Dead Lift: 10x1
24" Box Jumps
Sprint: 10x40
Bike Commute
Foam Roll and stretch
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