I absolutely enjoy watching others succeed. Doesn't matter what, as long as they win. Why? Because it isn't the victory per se, it's the overcoming of the challenges along the way.
No one likes a story built on no struggle. I woke up. Realized I was awesome. Squatted 550 lbs for four reps with a pause at the bottom of each, and then I cured cancer.
No! We want to hear the human side of stuff. I was tired as fuck when I got out of bed this morning. I didn't eat enough for breakfast and had a headache. I got under the warm up weight and it felt heavy as fuck. I approached the five bill mark and it got sideways on me so I got stapled to the box. When my boys took the heaviest weight for a ride, I figured that it was time to stop being a WUSS and just lift the dang thing!
Yea...we like the story better than the actual victory.
We need to stop trying to avoid the stuff that builds the story and YOUR character!
Today's Training:
Bike Commute: 20 minutes
Box Squat: 4 reps as heavy to a PRE of 7-8
12" Box Step up: 40 per leg @ 30lbs
GHR: 40 reps
Lat Pulldown w/ supinated grip: 40 reps
Bent over Barbell Row: 40 reps
Bike Commute: 20 minutes
* All 40 reps should be done in 4 sets or less at the same weight used last week