Well, I guess you can only string so many good workouts together before having an occasional dumpster-fire, and that's exactly what this was.
I made the amateur mistake of thinking I'd be even remotely functional following the circa-max squat session the previous day, but I forgot just how draining the doubled bands are to my CNS. I was supposed to work up in my shirt and touch with about a second attempt, but as soon as I got into my Jack, I knew that I was still kind of shot. I had a lot of trouble stabilizing under the weight, and the inflammation in my biceps and forearms from squatting made it difficult to groove the weight properly.
And on the final rep with 600, I heard that oh-so-familiar sound of a ripping seam, which puts this shirt on the DL as far as this meet goes. Since I haven't worn it in a while, I decided to throw my old Ace on, just to see if it still fits. I left the weight at 600 but took it to a half board just for a little peace of mind.
The 600 went up OK, so I stopped there, packed my shit and got the hell home.