Chain Bench Press:

Work up in sets of 5 to the Dynamic Effort Weight of 190 lbs.

From there, work three reps and add a chain to each side every set until you beat last weeks chains.  Since I never count the weight of chains, this is just a bench mark (pun intended)  We got to 8 chains per side.  So the weight was...190 lbs and chains that don't weigh anything.

DB Floor Press: 4x12x90 w/ no more than 90 second rest between sets.

Ultra Wide Push Ups: 4x25 reps

Over Head Press: 5x5x120...STRICT!

DB Lateral Raise: 3x30x20

Side note:  My son, wife and I rode our bikes to and from the gym.  Pretty good considering it was a pretty good head wind.