I like to read "Positive Mental Attitude" books. Usually for 15 minutes per day gets me through about a book per month.

Many are redundant in the messages they are trying to get to reader to adhere, but all in all they are very good and keep me in a Positive mind set.

Among the things they all have in common, one stands out above all the others, "The Last Step".

Many of the books start with writing your goals, planning the objectives, rewriting them to fit your needs depending on the day, your attitude, your whatevers. But EACH end with "Take Steps", "ACT upon", "Action" and "Take Action. In other words...Get your ass moving!

Unless you actually put backbone to your wishbone then things will never change. Simple.

You can procrastinate, revamp, hammer out the details, revise, or whatever but unless you pull the fucking trigger, the round will never leave the weapon.

PULL THE TRIGGER and do something!

I often kid my athletes when I tell them, "No matter what, always look busy. If you don't, I'll find something for you to do." (and I have! haha)

The bed was extra comfortable this morning at 0250, but I knew my AirDyne bike was whimpering for me to get on it and RIDE!

Today's Training:

AirDyne: 30 mins

Dynamic Squat: 10x2x wt. from last time

Rear Stepping Lunge w/ knee touch and back extension with hands extended over the head too: 5x10

Side Stepping Lunge w/ cross body reach: 5x10

Bike Commute: 26 minutes