Dear Powerlifting,
Thank you!
Thank you for the strength you've given me. Strength to deal with bullies, self-doubt, and criticism. The strength to participate in other sports.
... and exceed in them!
Thank you for your time. Time spent in the gym, instead of getting into trouble. The years it took to learn the craft well enough to teach others. Thank you for showing me that all gains take longer than expected, even when you work hard for them.
... and they may still not come at all.
Thank you for teaching me that, in any situation, one of three things can happen: you make it, you miss it, or you get hurt trying.
... but you do it anyway!
Thank you for providing focus and direction. Never knowing what was in the abyss, I trained. I lived and learned. My competence and skill set grew. I realized that I was not stupid.
... I was unfocused.
Thank you for providing a future. You taught me to work hard, have focus, and not be afraid of getting hurt. Lessons learned under the bar carry over to life.
I have my scars and regrets and carry them with pride. They are the price I've paid to be who and where I am today. You've taken a lot from me, but it will never come close to what you have given.
... for this, I'm grateful and will always pass it on.
Live, Learn, Pass on,
Dave Tate
Thanks again Dave and sorry for making this so fuckin long.
~Take it easy