Brian Schwab of Team EliteFTS and Orlando Barbell fame sent me one of his "Powerloops" which helps teach scapular retraction during a bench press.  The verbal cue to "pull the bar apart".

It's design is simple and the compartments to place different hand widths is genius.

Me being who I am and trying things out NOT as designed thought, "well fuck, lets put this thing on, stretch it out and do all the PULLING exercises that were in the game plan...ya know, just to really ice the upper back"

I am sitting here typing this out with THE most magnificent upper back pump and NO ILS (Imaginary Lat Syndrome)  My arms just won't go down straight.  The barn doors that my lats have become are feeling fairly wide in stature.

I can't wait to teach the actual use of it tomorrow!

I think I'm going to need more of them and you'll definitely want to take one for a ride so order it...

Powerloop cover pic

Today's Training:

C/S Row: 5x12

Wide Grip Mag Bar Pulldowns: 4x12

Single Leg/Opposite Arm Low Cable Row: 4x12

DB Curls: 3x12

Rack Scraping BB Curls: 3x12

AirDyne: 12 mins.

Bike Commute: 17 mins.


Sprints: 10x50 yards
