This morning more than twice, I was witness to B.S. that was so deep that I considered putting high boots on my normally bare feet.
The persons kept talking even though they knew I knew, but I kept silent.
When the Bull reached the "full" level, I turned and walked quietly away.
When I returned to the other participants, one fella asked me, "why didn't you call B.S. like you normally would?"
I answered, that SOMETIMES, I speak volumes in my silence. To which he replied, "No Chit, the uncomfortable level was DEEP. I need to learn that, Coach!!!"
There are times that no response is the BEST response.
Snatch Grip Shrugs: 5x5
Snatch Grip High Pull: 5x5
Over head Barbell Press: 5x5
DB Lateral Raise: 3x30x Heavy EXTRA STUPID heavy
Just the first third of the movement can only be done.
Face Pulls: 3x30x Heavy band
Tricep Push Downs: 3x20x Heavy band
Dynamic Bench: 8x3x52%