Stop blaming other people for your situation. Learn to be accountable and in charge of your actions, and for others if you are the one managing or leading them.
When you stop blaming others and start being responsible you will discover a few things:
When you track it back to where it all started or ended, you realise it was on you;
you are responsible for more than you think you are, and this is a good thing;
you will begin to be more concise when asking others for work, projects and deadlines;
you will begin to earn respect from those you lead and they will be more willing to make their best effort. The may even take risks they otherwise wouldn’t;
you will discover the World owes you NOTHING;
you will procrastinate less and learn to focus on what’s most important;
you will finish what you start and learn to execute projects and tasks from beginning to end, even those with many moving parts;
you will find out that nobody believed your excuses in the first place;
you will come from a place of honesty instead of white lies;
oddly as it is, you will find there are people in the world that don’t like you, will take advantage of you and think you’re stupid. Let them be, as you will also find out that this works more for you than against you;
you are stronger than you think;
nobody is who or what they pretend to be, including yourself.