I have been around GYMS all of my life.  I chose the line of work that I'm doing based on my experiences in those gyms.

My roots are from dingy, stinky, basement style rooms with no windows and asbestos ceilings to High End Upscale "Corporate Fitness Centers" and  MEGAGYMS with multiple floors packed with equipment from every sort to basketball courts and pools.

Of all the settings, the one that I made the most gains from where those dank smelly gyms that had "crews" of people that were on the "edge"

As a 12 year old venturing into the dungeons, hearing curse words, seeing blood dripping, and uncensored conversations help me become the person i am today.

I can still "hang" with those mammoths that are rude and crude, as well as the upscale CEO's of Silicon Valley.  However, those CEO's may not do well in those dank dark places of intensity.

A large part is due to the new environment that has been thrusted down our throats.

We have become too cautious for fear of driving away "business" in the gym to offending someone (that we hardly know) on Social Media.  We're FUCKING SOFT!

I remember back to even 1998 when EliteFTS was the Dave Tate and  Jim Wendler shit show.  I would tune into the site just to read the straight forward answers that were given to even the most elementary questions all the way to the most TECHNICAL of requests.  These boys were the same guys I have trained with over the years.  Only...their name's were different.

I have gone so soft to having a period of time I would not even use a well placed vulgar word, much less a complete vulgar display of strength.

Doing so today might be too much for the text messaging, photo taking Instant Gram posting wannabe.

Sure...there are exceptions, but could you imagine Squatting 185 for 1/4 rides and then posting it on a media page in front of Chad Aiches or Steve Pulcinella?  Could you imagine the F bombs that would be laid upon the poor soul texting his "Bro's" or his "Bae" (what the fuck are those words anyway?) while Jason Pegg and Karl Tillman where waiting for the bench?

God forbid ANYONE walked in with camera/phone in hand and multiple gym bags strewn about if Jim Wendler and Benny Podda were in the middle of ONE of their legendary conversations?

We're AFRAID...Ooooo, I don't want to offend....I have a hard time making people uncomfortable...blah, blah, blah.....Bullshit!

Getting strong and in shape sometimes requires a level of "Animal" that the soft society we are can't nor will they handle.

Herbert Spencer calls it "Survival of the Fittest"

Granted the gym isn't always do or die, but show a weakness of character in front of the afore mentioned?  You might find yourself looking for a "Curves" or a gym that has lunk alarms to keep the monsters at bay.

Harden the fuck up!  Leave your stupid camera/phone at home, walk in and TRAIN!  Stop being a weenie, grow a pair made of brass and attack with reckless abandon and feverish perversions.



Today's Training:

Hang Cleans: 9x9x +5 pounds more than last week

OHP: 9x9x same weight as above

Shrug: 9x9x185 with pause on contraction

Push Ups: 100 reps

Bench: 9x9x +10 pounds more than last week

Push Ups: 100 reps

Horizontal Cable Chest Flexion: 9x9x30

AirDyne: 10 minutes Arms only