I’m all for passing on and providing resources to help others become better. This is called “passing on” to keep the best part of the strength community alive, since those lifters and coaches were doing this before I was born.
We should be educating those around us, educating them so they may become inspired to educate others.
Those looking for handouts and answers to every question without trying to seek and find on their own are no better than those coaches and trainers who charge for every little thing as well as rip people off.
Why? Because they also are ripping people off. If I’m asked a question that will take time to answer and decide instead to send an article or video that covers ALL they need to know, I’d expect they would read it. I know where to go to find the link, saving them hours, days or never finding it themselves. When I get four more questions on the same topic within five minutes, I then know that the person I’m helping doesn’t value my time, is lazy, doesn’t care if they get better or not, will never take the time to educate anyone else (pass on), and will never get better because they lack the work ethic needed.
I’m for asking for help when you need it and will do the best I can. In many cases, you are doing yourself a disservice by asking instead of trying to figure it out on your own. We all have the resources and abilities to learn. I believe asking for help is just their excuse not to learn to do it for themselves.
You don’t need a business mentor to tell you that you need to spend more time working on the right things. I don’t think you need a life coach to tell you to get your shit together, and you don’t need an online trainer to tell you to move more and eat less.
Most things people ask they already know and certainty don’t need to pay people to tell them.
I’ll always be honored if I’m asked something before Google is asked (This tells me they value my opinion.), but if I do the search, find it and send it, and it’s not read, that person is lazy and stealing my time.