I'm not sure why I was thinking about that old Kenny Roger's song "The Gambler", perhaps it was playing in the background this morning, but the line he says "every hand is a winner, every hand a loser..If you're going to play the game, boy..."
It's true, it's NOT the cards you are holding at any given time that is important but HOW you play the hand with the cards you are dealt!
Use what you have. Build upon THAT! Don't look at what you don't have.
Today's Training:
Two different sessions:
Warm up
DB Row: 4x10
Pull ups or Pulldown: 10x3
C/S Row: 4x10
Shrug: 3x20
Back extension: 4x10
100 pull ups/200 dips
No conditioning today because the air quality is horrendous. We are experiencing Wild Fires in Northern California and it's hard to breath!
Today is more about RESPIRATION than it is PERSPIRATION.