"Live on your own terms"
"You can be whatever you want to be"
"You don't have to work for 'the man'"
"You don't have to answer to anyone"
"Be your own boss"
"Most people are lazy and don't have the balls to have their own business"
I have my own business so I "get it". I know the Pro's and Con's of this but the thing that pisses me off and has gotten worse lately is all the marketing around "your own professional independence".
First, all the marketing schemes are targeted around selling the person some get rich scheme and they NEVER speak about the real truth of owning your own business or working for yourself. Ask anyone who does what the negatives are and tell me how many times you see those comments mentioned in these great marketing messages.
I was born, raised and live in Ohio, The Rust Belt.
Can somebody tell me when an honest days work became a bad thing?
There are people in this country who work hard every single day and couldn't care less about how popular they are or if they get rich. They know the difference they make is worth more than the pay.
They take pride in seeing the car come off the line, they hammer the nails that build our homes, they check us out at the grocery store, they teach our children, the ship our packages, the put out fires, they grow our food, they transport our goods, they serve our food, the protect our neighborhoods, work in warehouses, factories,offices, and outside.
Just because they don't want to have their own business, become famous, or be rich doesn't mean their work isn't important. They aren't lazy, they are working 40-50 hour weeks.
Not to sound cliche but they are AMERICA and they DO take pride in the work they do.
You know why?
Because they are what keep this country running.
No job or person should ever be made to be less than another - We don't have that right!
If you have a job and work, you ARE the backbone of this country. Take pride in the work you do and take a moment to step back and look at what you really do and you will see you do matter and you do make a difference. You are one of the spokes in the tire that makes this country great and keeps the wheel turning.
To all those trying to sell people on the easy way to six figures let me ask you this..
If a cashier has a short register on their shift the difference comes out of their pay right? While they don't like it they understand as it was their responsibility.
If your job is selling six figures and at the end of the program this doesn't happen will you take responsibility?
... then shut the hell up and you know where you can stick your book and seminar.
My neighbors went to work in factories, stores, restaurants and fields. They did they best they could everyday for their families, the company they worked for and themselves. They may not have liked the work they did but they took PRIDE in it.
Pride should be about HOW you do something - not what you do.
Sell all you want but stop trying to strip the Pride away from American Workers. For many it is all they have and you know what?
It's better than the six figures your ass is promising.
p.s. Before saying they are lazy and don't have balls why not try taking a job like theirs for a couple months and see if your perception changes. See if you really know what a hard days work really is.