I know my log has not been up to date the last few weeks. After leaving my job I've been actually buried and playing catch up non stop. Next week I'm hiring some full-time help in addition to my part time shipping guy. This should really help.

My training hasn't really been worth recording either. In preparation for the 500 for rep challenge I fattened up as much as I could to make a big belly to bounce off of. So the last few weeks I've been dieting aggressively. This has involved training daily with just some boring volume work so I didn't video anything.

I peaked at 267 temporarily for the day I did the squat rep challenge but I'm back down to 245 now. I can feel my hands getting smaller and my grip coming back. Looking to hit 235 and stabilize there. I believe this will get me in best position to pull heavy and retain my grip. I'll loose a little on the squat but should be able to more than make up for it if I can hook grip a deadlift and hold onto it.

I will get back on track starting this next week. But in the interim enjoy this video:
