I was at a conference in which Buddy Morris was speaking. Coach Morris is a plethora of information for those who pay attention to what "The Man" is saying and not looking for ways to punch holes in his statements.
Coach Morris was talking at one point about the absorption an athlete can handle...
"If I tell someone ONE thing. They have an 87% chance at remembering it.
If I tell them TWO things, that percentage drops down to 33% retention.
If I tell them THREE things...well...Good luck with that!"
After hearing that, I switched my technique in coaching from...Over Load the information by telling them EVERYTHING ALL AT ONCE, to the most important thing for that person.
After I WITNESS proficiency I will go on to teach the next thing.
How many coaches or teachers for that matter, try to explain it all in hopes of the athletes (student) will get it all?
Why is ANY meeting longer than at most...a half hour? (I'm including those that have nothing to do with sport)
People can only take in, what their butts can handle. (Or is that buts? hmmmmm?)
Any skill coach will benefit by getting more by doing less with this kid bit.
I swear by it.
Today's Training:
Hip Mobility: 50-50-50-50
RDL: 5x10
Reverse Hyper 5x10
GHR: 5x10
Shrug: 5x10
Concept II Row: 23:30
Bike Commute: 18 min.