There are a bunch of new folks in the program, and in a very short amount of time, they have ALL shown great improvement in not only their strength and conditioning but in their overall confidence as well. Granted, there is no way to actually measure that, but they certainly are "carrying" themselves in a better way.
When one fella asked the other how he progressed so fast, his answer was legendary.
Here it is folks!!!
The KEY to success!!!!
"Show up and listen to what Harry tells ya".
Imagine that? Show up and do what I tell you to do. Nothing more, nothing less!
Today's Training:
Bike Commute: 27 mins
GHR: 5x10 w/ the rear of the machine lifted up
Prowler: 6x120 yards
Squat: Work up to a PRE=7 doing 10 reps
Once found do three sets of 10 at the heaviest weight
Rear Sliding Hyvk Lunge: 3x10
Get a real deep stretch!