Directly from Charles Poliquin:
Work up to a 5 rep max
Then 120% of that weight and do an eight second ISOMETRIC hold.
-slightly bend your elbows and maintain perfect position.
- You should start to shake as if you had Parkinson's Disease
Go back down in weight to the 5 rep max number and do another set of five.
Now go up to 125% and do set number TWO for the ISOMETRIC set.
Reduce the weight for the 5 rep again and finish doing the third set of FIVE at this weight. It should actually feel lighter than the previous sets
Last set of ISOMETRIC holds at 130% for EIGHT seconds
PUSH UPS: 200 reps
Standing Shoulder Press: 5x5
DB Shoulder Crank: 5x5x30
Shrugs: 5x10x465
Pull up totals=2954
Push Up totals=3731
Dip Totals-4783
Prowler Totals: 14,440 yards