Dynamic days are useful to teach technique by hammering home ONE item per training session and speed of the movement is done.

The moment folks start adding weight to appease their own egos is the moment the purpose of the session is thrown out the window.

Dynamic Effort= Technique and Speed!

Today's Training:

Run: Fartlek 20 mins

Bike Commute: 28 mins

Dynamic Squat: 10x5x50% The extra two reps per set make this a bit more of a strength/endurance exercise. The rest interval was that of one training partner. As fast as you both can go

16" Box Jumps (single leg landing): 10x2

Jump up land and balance on one leg

Step down

Jump up and land and balance on the other leg for one complete set

GHR: 50 total reps in as few sets as possible

Bike Commute: 30 mins