I've been in the gym, or should I say..any gym for more than 50 years. I started in a YMCA basement weight room, went to my high schools, then to a Nautilus training center, then a "Health Club", College weight room and then various "HARDCORE" gyms.
Every place I have ever been have had the same "characters" only the names have changed.
I'm not going to go into the details, but today's escapades beyond the training was some good nature fun...the "Old School" way. I will mention that Mike Smith has always been a character in every gym I've ever been in and today in my program he was no less entertaining.
I am happy as a kid on Christmas when "Big Mike" walks into my place. (He also got a new nickname today, which I won't share because I promised him)
Good Lift'n today, Big Mike!!!
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 23 minutes
2 RM Floor Press
OHP: 4x10
Push ups: 100 total reps
Single Arm Lateral Raise: 4x10
Bike Commute: 17 minutes (my road weapon is back)
Is you airdyne work steady state, do you shoot for a certain heart rate, rpm etc or do you just ride for the 23 min?