There Are Two Ways to Do Something … the Right Way, and Again

The fact is, while knowledge is powerful, sharing knowledge is the true source of power because it enables others to act. But the key is to do so clearly and consistently

Thanks again for the morning greeting, Nicole.


Today's Training:

AirDyne OR Row: 20 minutes

3 hole; 4 rep Pin Pull (Dead Lift) Sumo Style

Beat last weeks number


Controlled Reverse Hyper: 4x10@40


Chain Lunge:

25 steps each leg w/ two chains

25 steps each leg w/one chain

25 steps each leg w/o chains

Equals ONE set

Do 4 sets!!!

Rob, you don't have chains so just do 200 walking lunges.  That's going to leave a mark, son!


Bike Commute: 20 minutes